
Dearest George – This is Not Goodbye

Hey there, George

This week, I am supposed to say good bye to you. Nope, not sure I can. I watched the memorial service for you and Paul on Monday and I hope you felt the love from the Rehema family, friends and community as I did.  Did you see Wesley and Joseph in their new suits we planned together? Yup, they wanted to look especially good for you both and of course in your favorite color.  I got Jacinta to Nairobi to represent Bukura and the children who loved you as their Uncle George.

You would be so proud of these two. They have been checking in with me every day and yes, we have kept our group weekly Friday FaceTime calls.

It got me thinking that over the last plus years I don’t think I told you what you really meant to me. I know – right? You hated when I would tell you this “mushy stuff” over the phone or in person so decided to write you a letter. Ok, here it goes —- ready?  Got Teddy? LOL

In April of 2022, we shared our first adventure together to Bukura and your first plane ride. I remember the moment you met Mr. Tom and I at Freda’s that morning. I knew you were nervous and you never showed it. Did I ever share with you this video as we took off?

I will never forget when you turned to me and said you understood why we all look up to the skies when thinking of heaven.

You were in Bukura for only 4 days and our connection was immediate – or so I thought or hoped. When you left to go back to Nairobi I told you I wanted to be there for you to accomplish all the plans and dreams you shared. I wondered if you believed me? I imagined you had many promises in your life — was I just one more? I asked you to txt me when you got safely home not knowing if you would. You did, I txted back, and we did not stop txting everyday until our last one on that Friday.

Our conversations continued about life, love, and dreams. One of them being to get you a passport and a VISA to get you here. We tried twice and shared such a disappointment each time when denied. It was only last week we tried the educational route asking a local college to start an international program with you. Don’t worry, I will keep trying for one of your brothers or sisters.

We would travel together to Bukura each time I went. We had the best times there, didn’t we? Painting, tiling, and helping Mr. Tom find that tile cutter. I won’t EVEN bring up your painting skills — getting more paint on you then on the nursery wall. As usual you were capturing each child’s story through your love of the lens of a camera. Your pictures above helped get sponsors and bring awareness to the needs of the home. You set up campfires and movie nights – even an outdoor theater.

I loved the dinner time stories you and Wesley would tell of the antics of your childhood.  Always thinking Auntie and Uncle did not know about any it – and of course they did. Oh, and as we planned Joseph will be coming with Wesley and I next time. I will let you know how he does on his first plane ride and painting!!!!!

Remember the making of this one? Still laugh when I see it and, I don’t think the final version came out to bad?

So funny!!

And can we talk about Christmas?  You were always over the top for that time of year making sure we watched the sun rise together at Nairobi time and then again on my time. You had to be the first person to wish me a Merry Christmas.

One of my most favorite Christmas memories will be when you, me and Wesley decided to bring Christmas to the children of Bukura.  The balloon decorations on the tree was just perfect and the smiles on your brother and sister’s faces were priceless. 

I am not even going to write about football — yes, George, Football is Life. LOL. We would talk every week about the standings and who was playing who. I would listen and pretend to know what was going on always rooting for the Rehema Team!! Even when you would prop your phone up on your couch so I could watch you and Paul play FIFA on Playstation, I would just yell a lot of Yea’s and OH NO, and Kick just to be part of it. I am sure you knew that.

Last month we were just together and it was so wonderful. Spending time with your brothers and sisters in Nairobi, the trip to see Choka, our safari with the Reagans, and time in Bukura was amazing. How I loved going out with you, Wesley and Joseph to talk about plans for your futures and what each of you wanted to do with your life.  And, yes, it was your fault we left the take aways at the restaurant, LOL.  I was so proud to see your apartment and spending time together in your home playing Mortal Combat.  The boda boda ride home in the rain will always be my favorite.

I asked Wesley and Joseph to save Teddy for me. It gave you such comfort on the nights you could not sleep and always part of our conversations. Alex is bringing it with him when he comes back to the states.

Well, I am not going to say good bye or rest in peace…….not even sure what to say. However, since this is a letter between you and me I can be as mushy as I want. You are brilliant, compassionate and a kind soul. You changed the world through your love and passion for others – and mine. Thank you and I love you.

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