
A Day at the Office and Update on Lady

Today was an easy day at the home and not much to report. Wesley and George took the kids swimming at a local hotel giving Mama, Jennifer and I some quiet time to discuss the current and future needs of the home.

Wesley set up a Bukura spread sheet to help manage the income and expenses of the home and better prioritize where our fundraising efforts need to concentrate on. We have a lot of work to do and you will see me even more active than I have been in the past. It has been a great time spending so much time with those that run the home to truly understand their challenges and struggles. The Aunties and I had lunch and I was able to bring out all the jewelry I brought for them to pick through. It was so much fun to bring joy to each of these amazing women with such a little item. They are the heroes of Rehema. They take care of these children without regular pay and out of the goodness of their hearts.

We also spent time going through all the donations especially the shoes. We wanted each child to get a new pair of shoes and socks something they do not get. We presented the children with their gifts from their sponsors and enjoyed seeing them receive items they don’t ever receive.

Yes, another torrential downpour and an outage of electricity. This time some card games and play time with the new toys until the lights came back on and could once again provide the excitement of movie night.

Update on Lady the Cat. She had to be where the kids are and in the middle of it all.

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