
Kwaheri Bukura

The last day at Bukura is always the hardest. Flight was not until 7pm so had the day to spend time on last minute projects and giving the kids as much joy as possible. One of these moments for them was trying on their new school shoes. Remember, we bought them with drawings of their feet on pieces of paper? I have to say we had success.

And notice who is in the background by the watercolor watching the process.

What better way to spend the last time together but with a water balloon toss:

I also spent some serious time walking the grounds with Mama Jacinta to understand the projects that need to get done. They range from adding a protective fence to the front of the property, tiling and putting on a new roof on the kitchen, cleaning out the pit latrine, fixing the safety lighting in the children’s dormitory, building a car shed, painting the rooms, adding clothes lines under the shed so clothes can dry during the rainy season and general maintenance to make it a safer environment to be a kid. So much to do to help make their lives better.

Goodbyes were said, last hugs given and headed back to the Kisumu for our 7pm flight to Nairobi. Little did I know I had some loving children waiting for me to return at Rehema Nairobi and would see them on Sunday afternoon.

Kwaheri, Bukura. Will be working hard for you all year to spread the word of your needs, raise awareness and funds and be thinking and praying for you every day. See you next year if not sooner.

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